Mission & Vision
Christ the King exists to minister the King’s gifts to His people
That everyone Jesus brings us would
Believe in the Gospel of free grace that saves sinners
Behold God as He is revealed in His Word
Become more like Christ through His sanctifying Spirit
We were created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. When we gather on Sundays, we come to fulfill that great purpose. We do so in reverence, knowing that our great God is worthy of all our honor, and also with joyful hearts ready to praise Him with thanksgiving.
Everything we do is centered around God’s inerrant Word that is sufficient for faith and life. We are committed to the reading and preaching of God’s Word in the service. Particularly, preaching that emphasizes the continuity of Scripture as one unified story that points us to Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. We are committed to the verse-by-verse exposition of God’s holy Word.
We gladly submit ourselves to the great tradition of our forefathers in the faith. We embrace Reformed Theology as a faithful expression of biblical doctrine, and the Presbyterian form of church government which orders the life of our church. We hold to the ecumenical creeds of the church (Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian), and confess them in our services. We affirm the Westminster Standards as our full statement of faith, and are a member of the Presbyterian Church in America.
We resolve ourselves to the necessity of prayer in our individual lives, our families, and especially our church. We recognize that God hears our prayers because we pray in the name of our great High Priest, which gives us all the more reason to pray boldly. We incorporate several prayers in our services, and seek to instill active prayer in our people’s lives.
Our God is God not only to the adult believers in our church, but to their children as well. They belong to God’s covenant family, and as such it is good and proper that they worship with us. We do offer a nursery for children under four, but we encourage families to keep their children with them during the service. We desire families (adults and kids) to both invest themselves into the church, and also be invested in by the church. We encourage parents to be leading their children in discipleship and family worship.
Discipleship must begin with the individual, then extend to the family and the church. It also must be holistic—engaging our heads, hearts, and hands. We desire to grow in our knowledge of God’s Word, in our affections for Christ and His Church, and in our personal holiness.
We have been saved by a great Savior, and we seek to make Him known! We want to live on mission in our community, and support the expansion of the kingdom throughout the world. This means that we support foreign missionaries as well as local mission efforts, particularly through church planting.