What to Expect
Here’s what you can expect during your first visit with us
We worship in the historic, nearly 100 year old building (construction began in 1924 and finished in 1926) belonging to Bethany Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), which at the time was a mission plant of First Presbyterian Church for the, then, South side of Joplin. We rent from and share this space with the Bethany congregation who holds their worship service after us.
We gather in the sanctuary for our worship service at 9:15am. The main entrance is on the same level as the parking lot along the sidewalk on the East wall, and the sanctuary is up the steps and through the double doors in the foyer. For those who prefer not to, or cannot use stairs, there is also an elevator through the handicap entrance right next to the parking lot (see the picture on our Directions page for more details). We do not use the entrances at the top of the outside stairs.
We have a nursery downstairs available for children four and under, but you are welcome to keep your babies and toddlers with you during the service (please note: we do not have nursery during the summer months of June and July). The women’s bathroom is directly to the left as you go downstairs, and the men’s restroom is downstairs and across the fellowship hall. After service, we will go downstairs and have a time of fellowship while the other congregation, Bethany, begins their service at 11am. After coffee and fellowship we will break into our respective Sunday school classes for all ages.
Our music team, consisting of several members from our church, helps us in singing a variety of psalms and hymns. We use a bulletin to aid our worship that contains the various readings of Scripture and the call-and-response participation for the congregation. We also have information listed on the bulletin with upcoming events, announcements, and other ways to get connected with our church.
Our people dress comfortably, ranging from jacket and ties to blue jeans. Though we can sometimes worry over what we might wear, we would much rather you come and join us as you are with a heart that yearns for Christ and a desire to be clothed in His righteousness.
If you do not know Jesus, are new to the faith, or have any questions about who we are or about our service, we would love to speak with you more. You can find and talk to any one of our Elders before or after the service, or please send us an email to office@ctkjoplin.com.